The Wedding Court
Both Mike and Lauren did come to know the goodly Brandon upon separate paths, yet each did forge a steadfast friendship with him. For many years, Mike and Brandon did embark upon grand adventures in the realm of Dungeons & Dragons, whilst Lauren first made his acquaintance upon the dancing floor. Many an hour have they spent in merry company, sharing a tankard of ale, a fine feast (most oft tacos), and capturing moments through the art of photography. Oft have they watched Brandon upon the stage, where he doth bring great tales to life, and passed warm summer days in the cool respite of the waters.
Officiant | Brandon Meeks
Lauren’s Wedding Court
Dame of Honor | Emily Ebelhar
Lauren and Emily did forge a swift and merry friendship when Lauren first took to dance at Dance Louisville more than six years past. Emily did warmly welcome her into the fold, and soon whispers did stir that the two were bound in courtly affection. Yet 'twas not so, for their bond is one of shared joys—be it feasting upon a fine picnic, piecing together cunning puzzles, or delighting in many a merry pastime.
Lady Caitlin Harrah
In sooth, Lauren did verily steal Caitlin from Mike ('twas nigh impossible for them not to grow swift in friendship when Lauren and Mike's courtship began), for such were the many joys and pastimes Lauren and Caitlin did share. Together, they delight in the tending of gardens and houseplants, the savoring of fine teas and cheeses, the company of noble felines, and the viewing of grand tales of history. Oft do Lauren, Mike, Caitlin, and her goodly lord, Nick, gather every fortnight for feasts of merriment and mirth.
Lady Krista Melone
Lauren and Krista did forge a deep and kindred bond through their shared love of the noble art of photography. Lauren captured the joyous union of Krista’s wedding, and together, they have woven many a vision of fine artistry through their craft. Both are of a mystical spirit, with a love for the arts, the tending of gardens, and the call of distant lands. So great is their wanderlust that they did but recently embark upon a grand voyage to Italy, and even now do they plot their next adventure to the far and fabled shores of Iceland!
Lady Seran Halter
Seran and Lauren first did forge their bond during a grand photography gathering, well-planned by the goodly Krista. Being both creatures of the night, they whiled away the late hours in merry discourse, and thus was their friendship sealed. Through the ever-buzzing group chat, they keep their kinship strong, bound by their shared craft in photography, their love of tomes of a fantastical nature, and a wit as dark as the midnight sky.
Lady Annie Stephens
Lauren and Annie did swiftly become dear friends upon meeting through mutual companions. Lauren and Mike journey to the fair lands of Georgia to visit Annie and her lord, the other Mike. There, in the comfort of hearth and home, they delight in lounging in their garb of ease, watching tales unfold upon the television, and piecing together cunning puzzles. No feast is complete without their cherished sausage balls and a healthy helping of gluten-free brownies.
Lady Autumn Coffey
Autumn and Lauren did forge their bond upon the dancing floor of Dance Louisville, where many an eve was spent in joyous revelry. Oft did they gather at the famed hall of Joe’s, venture forth to grand Renaissance Faires, and make merry at gatherings of ladies, where laughter and companionship did abound. Thus, their friendship was woven strong, like a tapestry rich with shared adventures and mirth!
Lady Alisha Espinosa
When first Lauren did meet Alisha, 'twas with camera in hand, for she had come to capture her likeness—and capture it she did! Through many a fine photoshoot did their friendship blossom, oft accompanied by the sharing of hearty tacos and merry libations with Alisha’s lord, Brandon, and Mike. They are kindred spirits in their love of the Bard’s timeless words and the crafting of the perfect margarita—of which Alisha’s own recipe is most renowned!
Mike’s Wedding Court
Best Man | Jacob Ebelhar
For over a decade, Mike and Jacob have been steadfast companions, bound by their shared love of grand adventures in Dungeons & Dragons, the craft of engineering, the art of cookery, and the merriment of games both great and small. Though they have never dwelled in the same town, their legendary group chat is ever astir with lively discourse, and they do gather fortnightly for nights of gaming and good cheer.
Dame of Honor | Elise Daurio
Elise is the most time-honored of Mike’s companions, their acquaintance first kindled in the days of their youth. From that time forth, their bond hath remained steadfast, bound by their shared love of games of the screen, the craft of engineering, and even the toils of labor—having thrice served the same employers. Though many leagues lie betwixt them, each week’s end finds them spending their morns in gaming and hearty discourse across the distance, after all—the games must grow.
Dave of Honor | Jeff “Dave” Wright
Mike and Dave first crossed paths more than a decade past, brought together by mutual companions, and soon did they grow close in friendship through their shared pastimes. Their bond endureth across the miles, oft kindled by the aforementioned legendary group chat, wherein many a jest and tale are exchanged. When Dave did embark upon a great journey to settle in a far-off land, Mike lent his aid in the endeavor. Though they now dwell in distant realms, they do still gather faithfully every fortnight for an eve of games and merry company.
Lord Mike Lewis
Mike and Mike first crossed paths through their mutual companions, and over the years, the two did forge a steadfast bond, oft gathered in merriment over games of Dungeons & Dragons, the wonders of technomancy, and many a contest of skill and strategy. Ever do they seize the chance to play Sentinels of the Multiverse, and each year (or near enough), Mike and Lauren embark upon a journey to the fair lands of Georgia to visit Mike and his lady, Annie, keeping their friendship strong across the leagues.
Lord Sean Kelly
Mike and Sean have long been steadfast companions, having spent many a weekend in their college days in merry company, delving into grand adventures of Dungeons & Dragons and sharing in the revelry of their famed voyage to the emerald shores of Ireland. In a most joyous occasion, Mike did join Sean and his lady, Cass, in wedlock, a ceremony most fair and noble, which did conclude with the rousing chant of "So say we all."
Lord Zach Coffey
Mike and Zach did swiftly find kinship through their shared wit—for those who have heard one of Zach’s famed “Zach Zingers” shall know well his gift for mirth and jest. Together, they take great delight in contests of board and dice, ever accompanied by a fine draught of ale or mead. Known far and wide as “Everyone’s Husband,” Zach, much like Mike, doth revel in the art of problem-solving, ever seeking cunning solutions to puzzles both great and small.
Lord Nick Law
Mike and Nick have grown in friendship through their fortnightly feasts with their fair ladies, Lauren and Caitlin, bound by their shared love of crafting fine meals. What first began as a gathering for games of board and dice hath, in truth, become eves of hearty discourse and bounteous fare. Of all in their noble company, Nick dwelleth nearest to Mike’s hall and hath oft been a steadfast friend, ever ready to lend a helping hand in times of need.